Because this year's event was so intense (and your feedback so thoughtful), I wanted to take a moment and share what we're going to be changing / working on for you this year.

We're doubling down on the Plum Deluxe philosophy.
One of the things we're hearing from you is that you appreciate the "making moments matter" ethos that is underneath everything that we do here. So, this year, we're doubling down on making good on our mission. We've already started - we updated our logo with a tagline! But you'll start to notice that in our weekly newsletter, on the blog, and in all of our products, we'll be keeping the focus on helping you make those moments that matter. That's our mission, and we'll do our best to honor it.
We're ending our blog sponsorship program.
Ever since day one, we've welcomed sponsors to our blog to help support our operation. Over the years, we've found that it's a lot of work with minimal return to find sponsors who have the same ethos and focus as Plum Deluxe. Now that we have our feet underneath us and our own line of offerings, we will no longer be featuring sponsors on the blog. If you love our blog and the effort that goes into publishing it, please tell your friends - and shop in our online store!
We're publishing more recipes.
Just because sponsors are going away doesn't mean the blog will be left to wither on the vine - we've been publishing it over 8 years now (yes, 8!) so we aren't about to give up. Instead, we'll be increasing our amount of recipes, something that almost every one of you who gave us feedback want more of. So, you got it! From sweet to savory, we'll have you covered. After all, many of life's greatest moments need a nice dish to go with them. :)
We'll going to create even more magic in our online teashop.
We probably spent 3 full days of our retreat working on teashop offerings and product and recipes. Of course, you'll see a lot of new teas - from signature unflavored teas to more iced teas and other special seasonal teas - and other tea items like tins and cups. But, similar to our coloring books and meditations, we are going to provide you with even more thoughtful products to help you create more magic moments of your own.
I'm so excited about this year, both for us AND FOR YOU. I'm glad you are here. I posted this to our Instagram account last week, and it pretty much reflects the thoughts and feelings of everyone here at Plum Deluxe.

Thank you.