Sometimes, you just need a break. Some folks call this a "mental health day," but I like to keep things in a positive light (and out of respect for those who do have legitimate mental health diseases), so let's rename this concept a self care day. A day dedicated to you.
Regardless of what you call it, though, taking a timeout is pretty essential, and in today's culture, we can easily overdo it. In general, downtime is looked upon as lazy, or not really necessary. Things are changing, but it's up to us as individuals to know when we need a break, and to make space to take it. Here's the Plum Deluxe guide on how to take a self care day.
Clear Your Schedule, Un-apologetically
The main requirement of a self care day is to ditch the scheduled appointments. Frankly, I don't know anyone who wouldn't mind a few less calendar appointments in their life.
If your appointments are with other people or recurring obligations, you don't need to explain that you're taking some self care time if you don't feel it is helpful. In my opinion, if you're just honest -- sorry, something personal's come up, I need to reschedule -- then no harm, no foul.
I do mean clear everything possible; if you have children, find someone who can help you out.

Now that you've cleared some space, downshift. A self care day is not "a day I catch up on errands and clean the house." The laundry can wait. Weed the garden tomorrow. Do not wash the dishes in the sink unless you truly enjoy washing dishes. Nope. This is a day for you.
Start it out with activities specifically geared towards downshifting. Some examples/ideas to get you thinking: Hot tea, light some candles, run a hot bath, take a nap, stretch, meditate. What does slowing down mean to you?
Treat Yourself
I think the perfect self care day requires a little treat of some kind. Treating yourself means different things to different people, so do not think you need to be getting pedicures and eating dark chocolate. Choose things that really feel like a treat to you (think "guilty indulgences" without the guilt): pancakes, a hike, a swim in the pool, hug a tree, do a free Yoga class on Youtube...
Of course, if treating yourself feels like just reading in bed or laying on the couch and watching a fun movie on Netflix, so be it.

Pause to Reflect at the End of the Day
At the end of a self care day, I think it's important to take a few moments to just reflect on the day and your experience. Perhaps you want to promise yourself that you will take a time out again when needed -- maybe put it on the calendar now? Maybe you realized that one of your favorite treats you can be incorporated into you daily ritual instead. We also have some great writing prompts for a self care day here. If nothing else, share some gratitude with yourself and give yourself a nice pat on the back for taking good care of yourself.
Remember: no matter how many responsibilities you have, your primary responsibility is to take care of YOU, so that you can show up fully to those other pieces in your life.