There’s no doubt that we’re all living in a quickly-paced world. But for us tea-drinkers, something remarkable happens when we turn the kettle on: Time seems to soften a little bit, and we’re all given a few minutes in our days to slow down, take a breath (or frankly, maybe just throw a load of laundry in), and wait for that magic moment when we can all sip our most favorite beverage.
We asked Plum Deluxe community members just how they spend those few minutes while waiting for the water to boil, or tea to steep. Read on to see the beautiful, funny, practical, lovely ways we all spend our few minutes of magic each day!
“I take advantage of the opportunity to look for whales through my kitchen window view. If I stand right next to the stove, there's a clear line of sight down to the bay. Sometimes, I'm lucky enough to get to sip my tea while watching them.” -- Christiane B
“I set up my tray next to my spot on the couch with my book, chocolate, phone, and a mug rug for my tea once it's ready!” -- Whitney H
“I usually forget that I turned it on! Thank goodness for the stay warm feature on my new kettle. I usually take that time to choose my mug, pick my tea, get my infuser ready and filled with tea. I often have a toddler-sized assistant, so that step can take some time!” -- Lauren S
“In the morning I do dishes. [My] girls and I joke that we are tricking my brain into cleaning before it gets tea.” -- Jen S
“I wish it was 5 minutes of something awesome! Alas, I’m usually loading/unloading a dishwasher, cleaning a counter/table or putting something away somewhere. Wonder what 5 minutes of meditation right then would feel like...” -- Robin KG
“Pip, my pup, has a Pavlovian response when I put the kettle on and asks to go out, so then Charlotte knows it's time to hog my attention. So I hold her and get my tea ready and any snacks I may want, or work bag if I am headed out the door. Kettle off, pour the water, let Pip in, Charlotte dives on his back and the craziness begins.” -- Libby H
“I do my dishes. Kidding! I'm not nearly so responsible as that. I go for chocolate and stare at my Facebook feed. #millenial” -- Anna B

“I drink the majority of my tea at work. So I get to work, start the kettle, while that is heating I get my computer started up. Turn on the rest of the lights, put away whatever dishes from the day before, etc. Get my steeper and tea of choice ready. Once it's poured it's usually too hot for me to drink right away so the boss and I usually visit, chat, start talking about our tasks for the day. I may or may not pick on him, he may or may not tease me about something. We have fun at work. I'm so grateful for the fun people I work with and the ability to have my tea obsession at work. They are even the ones who bought me my own electric kettle for the office.” -- Regina E
“I have a great tea kettle that whistles so I just ago about whatever I was doing and then take the 3- 5 min of steep time to reorganize my teas.” -- Sheryl V
“I frequently use the time to either put dishes away or wash a few dishes. Podcasts, audiobooks or music are always on during this time as well.” -- Dana M
“Plan what tea I’m going to make for my 3pm teatime.” -- Debbie FK
“Making my morning tea is my reminder to put oils in my diffuser. By the time I'm finished with my task, my tea is ready!” -- Alise M
“Ideally, I read or journal in silence while it brews. Reality, I’m getting breakfast for one kid while letting another kid “help” me get it ready. Regardless, it still makes for a great start to the day!” -- Jess H
“My stove is right by the door to my backyard, so usually I let the dogs out and enjoy the outside with them while I listen for my whistle to come back inside.” -- Kristina K
“If at home I'll scroll through Instagram. But most of the time I'm at work so I'll usually set out the water containers and chairs in my preschool classroom.” -- Priscilla A

“When I'm waiting for my tea to steep, or the water to boil, I'm contemplating where I'll sit and enjoy my cup of tea, and what I will do. I could also be deciding which tea I'll have next time, in the not so distant future (in a few hours or less), or munching on one of the scones I made.” -- Sarah G
“I have a hot pot, so no waiting for me!” -- Jenn M
“Tea is part of my morning meditation ritual. I use the steeping time to sage and light a candle.” -- Kim J
“I walk. I work from a home office so I have to be extremely intentional about moving during the day. Every time I put the kettle on to heat I pace the house until it brews, then I pace again while my tea is steeping.” -- Sandra DH
“I am usually knitting while I wait for my kettle to let me know it’s tea time!” -- Kimberly QR
“I stretch and do calf raises and mule kicks at the counter. Unless it's the first morning cup... I zombie around feeding chickens, dog and cats.” -- Allison H
“I start the fire in the woodstove, then start the tea water. While the water is coming to a boil, I prep the pot, and take my vitamins. If there is still time, I put some dishes away or check the fire.” -- Katy T
Whether it’s something as spectacular as whale watching all the way to the most practical (dishes don’t do themselves, though we may all wish they would), it’s clear that those few moments a day can hold a lot of intention, purpose, and opportunity. The best part? No matter what, they always end with a freshly-brewed cup of tea!