While there are no rules when it comes to journaling, we couldn't help but notice how much you enjoyed our previous feature: 4 Writing Prompts to Help You Live the Good Life.
So, we're going to release more writing prompts; like our tea, they're paired perfectly with the season. Pour yourself a hot cuppa -- perhaps a cup of Winter Comfort Chai Tea -- and let's journal.

Word Prompt: NOURISH
The word that comes to mind when thinking of a focus on wintertime journaling is the word nourish. Just like our animal cousins who spend the winter hibernating, we, too, can spend time this season nourishing our body, mind, and spirit.
Nourishing, nourishment is not limited to food or drink. You could consider exercise or movement as nourishment. You could consider knowledge (like a training class, or working with a mentor) as nourishment.
Also, think of plants. They are nourished both from above, by the sun, and below, by the earth. You can receive nourishment in many directions. And you can give nourishment to others, too!
Question Prompt: How can I radiate warmth?
A long time ago I heard someone ask Oprah Winfrey what she wished she'd learned earlier in life. (When the master of all interviews gets asked a good question, I listen.) She said, "I wish I'd known how to distinguish radiators from drains." Then she elaborated that "radiators" are people who give out warmth: kindness, love, honesty, positivity, energy, enthusiasm. "Drains" are people who basically take away warmth: negativity, downbeat, suck the energy out of others, hatred, distrust.
How can you be more of a radiator? What would it look like if your life was more radiant?
TIP: You can use our Wheel of Life to help you structure these prompts to really give them deep, intense consideration.