Milk and Cookies for Big Kids: 4 Ways to Upgrade Your Moo

Milk and Cookies for Big Kids: 4 Ways to Upgrade Your Moo
Ok, so brownies and port aren’t really your thing and you’re craving the traditional plate of cookies with milk. Except… you’re a grownup now, so why have just plain milk? Here’s how to upgrade your moo for 21-and-up enjoyment.

The Basics

Getting “adult” on your glass of milk doesn’t have to be hard. The simple method: Pour milk and any singular flavored liqueur into a glass, stir, and enjoy. Great pairings include Amaretto, Chambord, vanilla vodka, and strawberry vodka. Add ice if you like it, or don’t. You can use any kind of milk you want, but I prefer whole milk for best flavor.
If you’re feeling fancy or want to impress someone, try any of the cocktails below -- or feel free to experiment and make your own! You can also toss any of these recipes into the blender with a few cups of ice and blend away for a frozen beverage. Top with whipped cream and enjoy!
Oh, and don’t forget the cookies.

Marvelous Mocha Milk

  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 ounces creme de cacao
  • 2 ounces Kamora coffee liqueur
  • Cocoa powder, for dusting

Add Creme de Cacao and Kamora to a large mug. Heat milk just until tiny bubbles begin to form. Immediately remove milk from heat and pour into mug. Use a whisk to briskly combine milk and alcohol until light foam forms. Dust with cocoa powder and serve.
Suggested cookie pairing: Mocha Cookies from Britt or Blue Diamond Mocha Coffee Almonds

drink your chocolate guide

Milk Chocolate Russian

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 ounce vanilla vodka
  • 3 ounces Godiva Chocolate liqueur
  • Ice

Combine milk, vanilla vodka, and Godiva Chocolate liqueur in a shaker. Seal and shake well. Strain into an ice-filled glass.
Suggested cookie pairing: Brownie Crisps Gourmet White Chocolate Chip Cookies from Vat19

Holiday Sweet & Spicy

  • Handful of ice
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 ounce vanilla vodka
  • 1 ounce ginger vodka
  • 1 ounce Goldschlager
  • Nutmeg, for dusting

Combine ice, milk, and vanilla and ginger vodkas in a shaker, seal, and shake well to mix. Strain into glass and pour Goldschlager on top. Dust with nutmeg to serve.
Suggested cookie pairing: Lark Fine Foods Mighty Ginger Cookies via Orange and Pear

Thin Mint Cream

  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 ounces creme de menthe
  • 2 ounces Godiva Chocolate liqueur

Combine all ingredients in a shaker, seal, and shake well. Strain into a glass and enjoy.
Suggested cookie pairing: Zero Cookies Chocolate Mint from Julian Bakery or Mint Cookie Mayhem Popcorn from King of Pop

Photo credits: snowbear, reeselloyd, K.C. Tang, samsmith, travelvice, and purecaffeine.

Ciaran Keast

Ciaran Keast loves art, semicolons, books, cats -- and all the tea, ever. When they're not posting tea photos on social media, you'll catch them at almost every Plum Deluxe event.
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