Why Choose Loose Leaf Tea?
Simply put, loose leaf tea is better quality than tea bags. It is comprised of whole, beautifully developed leaves which are rich with antioxidants and bursting with flavor. Tea bags often contain broken or partial leaves that will leave you shorthanded in the antioxidant department, and they often suffer from a lack of flavor.
Alongside choosing the best infusers is choosing a high-quality tea. Here at Plum Deluxe, we offer only the best quality, hand-blended, sustainable, loose leaf tea available. If you’re looking to find the perfect tea and are unsure of where to start, I invite you to take our Tea Quiz. The choices are countless, and this tool is sure to point you in the right direction on your new endeavor.
What is a Tea Infuser?
Tea infusers are devices that are designed to hold loose tea leaves for brewing and steeping. You place your measured amount of tea directly into the infuser and add it to your tea pot, mug, or cup. Loose leaf tea breathes and truly shines when using the right tea tools.

The Tea Ball: A Go-To Standard
The tea ball first gained popularity in the early 19th century. This also means tea has been around and prized for its beneficial properties and delicate flavor for just as long (actually, longer!). The tea ball is made of stainless steel and comes in a variety of shapes, most commonly a ball or heart. Attached to the ball is a chain that allows you to secure it to the edge of your mug while it steeps.
My personal favorite is our Gemstone Heart Tea Infuser that is adorned with a beautiful rose quartz or amethyst pendant in the shape of a heart. It’s that little sparkle that brightens my day. We also have stainless steel tea ball tongs. They have that perfect no-slip grip, so it's easy to scoop up just the right amount of tea. Finally, I love this dynamic duo of the Double Heart Mug with Heart Infuser.
The Best Tea Strainer: Nest is Best
Tea strainers, or nests as I like to call them, are loved and adored for their ease of use and allowance for those beautiful tea leaves to unfurl and fill your cup with flavor, all while keeping the loose leaf tea from filtering throughout your cup. These nests are created with a stainless steel mesh holding cup and designed to sit on the rim of your cup while your tea steeps.
Once you’ve measured out your tea, simply add it to the nest and set it on the rim of your cup, then add your appropriately heated water over the top. Brew for the correct length of time and simply lift and remove your strainer from the cup. There you have it – a perfect cup of tea every time.
We have so many beautiful varieties of tea strainers/nests to use, including the Cherry Wood Tea Nest Infuser and Spoon set, the Celestial Mesh Tea Infuser, and my favorite, the Victorian Mesh Cone Tea Infuser.

Infuser Teapots: Ease and Elegance
Much like the tea nests, the best tea strainers for multiple cups of tea – or simply to treat yourself like the king or queen you are – are infuser teapots. Infuser teapots allow you to scoop your measured tea right into the mesh basket that’s held within the teapot, add your heated water, steep, and share. The baskets within these teapots also allow for the tea leaves to expand and release their enticing and delicious flavors.
Another version of an infuser teapot is our Perfect Tea Maker. The best feature of this teapot is that you don’t even have to pour your tea! Once your tea is ready, simply place the teapot on top of your mug, which releases a valve from beneath the teapot, and your tea flows beautifully and freely through the strainer and into your mug – ready to enjoy!
Free the Leaves
No matter which tea accessories you choose for steeping the perfect cup of tea, remember the best tea infuser for loose tea will free the leaves and allow them the room they need to develop.
Whether you’re at your desk, on the go, brewing a pot for a friend, or cozying up at home on the couch, we have the perfect options for you. We also offer some great Tea Care Packages if you’re looking for a gift for a loose-leaf tea lover.