How to Make Peppermint Tea
First things first: if you’re a long-time fan of black teas like yours truly here, you might be a bit hesitant about trying something purely herbal. If you’ve had issues with the taste or preparation of herbal teas, then you should try consulting this article to find out how to better enjoy them.
Taking the time to get your brewing and additions just right can be the difference between a tea that just sits on the shelf and a new favorite you’ll keep coming back to.
Peppermint Tea Favorites
For a comforting cup that should help you get through the chill of early spring, I like the Refreshing “After Dinner” Mint tea. The mix of spearmint and peppermint helps brighten up some otherwise dreary days, and adding some honey reminds me of minty candies.
Another bonus of this combo is that it works wonders for an upset stomach or scratchy throat that might come with the changing of the seasons.
If you’re looking for another tea to add to your sick-day arsenal, look no further than the Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise herbal tea.
With bergamot oil serving as both pick-me-up and decongestant and sage, lemongrass, and mint all providing an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial punch, there’s little better to curl up with when you’re feeling under the weather.
Add some of the aforementioned honey to coat and ease a sore throat, if you’re dealing with that as well.

Fancy and Frothy: Tea Lattes
Obviously mint isn’t just for when you’re sick—there’s nothing quite like it when you’re feeling indulgent. Want a mint hot chocolate but don’t want the extra sugar? Try a mint tea latte.
This article can tell you all the tips and tricks to get the perfect, silky smooth tea latte of your dreams. I personally like it to sip on when I’m sewing, but it’s also the perfect accompaniment to a good book before bed—especially if you’re using something like the Cuddletime herbal tea to send you right off to sleep.
When Sunny Days are Here Again
All right, so we’ve covered the best tea for cold mornings and chilly evenings, but what about when it starts to warm up?
For days like these (or even just when you want to imagine warm, sunny days), there’s nothing as refreshing as a mint iced tea. If you’ve not made any before, be sure to check out this article for some recipes and techniques.
If you want an extra pick-me-up, try slicing some lemon, bending the rinds (it helps release the oils for maximum lemony goodness), and mixing them in about an hour before serving. Best to keep the lemon essence for hot teas, though—the flavor tends to come out best when it’s warm.
Feeling adventurous? You can even try other citrus flavors, depending on what else is in your mint tea. For a twist on a mojito, I’d recommend a lime slice in your “After Dinner" Mint tea, maybe with some simple syrup for sweetener.
Or maybe you’re feeling some orange notes and want to add some slices or rinds to the Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise tea to help bring out the bergamot. This one would be good hot, too, now that I think about it!
Try different flavors and sweeteners for a combination that suits you best. You can check out this article for some good jumping-off points for some sweet experimentation.
In the end, there’s nothing wrong with candy canes and minty mochas in winter, but here’s hoping that you’ll find something to enjoy about peppermint all year long.
All photos courtesy of the author.